Preservation Society
The William C Daldy Preservation Society always extends a warm welcome to new members and volunteers. Your choice to be involved with us is appreciated whether you wish to actively take part as a crew member, or whether you would just like to take advantage of exclusive, special discounted excursions and a regular newsletter. We welcome your involvement. Volunteering and attending the various programs we offer is a great way to meet others who wish to share their interest in steam ships. Learning and sharing skills together is how we will keep these old traditions alive for future generations.
The William C Daldy Preservation Society traces its roots back to 1978. In 1980 we began to operate the ship on Auckland Harbour as a charter vessel. This became the foundation for a series of annual public charters and sailings which has funded, (with the addition of donations) surveys, general repairs and MAJOR restoration projects to benefit the ongoing preservation progress. Click Here to join the W C Daldy Preservation Society.
Since that time, the William C Daldy Preservation Society Inc has operated as a membership-governed society with its own comittee. We are dedicated to preserving the tug as a living piece of history. Learn more
Volunteering creates a synergy between our personal and collective knowledge, benefiting all society members. The camaraderie within the society is much enjoyed by both newcomers and old hands. Many gain experience, recommendations that offer them a helpful edge to impress a future employer and the ability to further their education formally.
Whether it be on deck, down below in the engine or boiler rooms or at the helm on the flying bridge, there are a myriad of tasks to perform operating this historic vessel and there is bound to be one to suit you!
Even if you are not able to make a long term volunteer commitment, we offer a number of opportunities for you to help with smaller, short-term projects. For those with mobility issues, or who are unable to commit aboard the vessel, we have tasks of a more relaxed nature you can assist us with. Someone with experience will train you and help you get started.